In a team meeting a couple weeks ago, a coworker showed us a short clip from "The Chosen." The clip was from Season 3 Episode 8 when Peter walked to Jesus across the tumultuous waves in the midst of a storm. I've watched that clip several times since then...and I can't shake it.
These are a few of my takeaways:
Do you know what you're asking? Peter saw Jesus in the distance. His response to Jesus walking towards them on the water was, "If you are who you say you are, bid me to step out of this boat." Jesus response..."Do you have the faith to walk on this water?" (Do you understand what you're asking?)
Do you feel forgotten? Jesus asked Peter before He beckoned him out of the boat, "Why are you upset?" Peter responded immediately. "Why are you chasing people you don't even know when your own people have problems right here. I've been right here, believing in you! I've given up everything for you, but you're healing total strangers." Peter felt forgotten-he felt as if was giving faithfully without anything in return. His requests remained unanswered. (Peter questioned the plan. He knew Jesus could do anything, He just questioned Jesus' actions or perceived lack of action.)
Walk towards Me in your pain and confusion. Jesus reached for Peter and said, "Come to me, you who are weary and heavy laden. And I will give you rest." I know you are burdened by your circumstances and pain. Walk towards Me in your pain and confusion. I will give you peace and comfort IN the storms.
Keep your eyes on Me. When Peter stepped out, Jesus asked him "Why do you think I allow trials? They prove the genuineness of your faith. They STRENGTHEN you, Peter. THIS is strengthening you! KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME."
What makes you doubt? When Peter begins looking towards the waves on the left and right, he starts to sink. Jesus reaches into the water after Peter goes under and pulls him up. Peter begs Jesus, "Don't let me go! Don't let me go!" Jesus reassured him, "I got you. I got you." As Jesus is holding Peter, He compassionately asks, "Why did you doubt?" (Why did you take your eyes off Me and My everlasting, unconditional love for you?)
Total dependence-The trust fall. "I have much planned for you, Simon, including hard things. Just keep your eyes on me. I promise." They sat down in the boat and Jesus holds Peter and Peter begs him through sobs, "Don't let me go! Don't let me go! I'm sorry. Please don't let me go." When we come face to face with our need for the Lord-total dependence-God is able to show His compassion, bring comfort and healing, help us reestablish our stability and security in Him.
You are never alone. Jesus raises one hand and commands the wind and waves, "Peace. Be still!" He then reassures Peter. "Peter, I'm here. I'm always here. I let people go hungry, but I feed them." Pain and storms will come, but He is ALWAYS with us.
We won't always understand. Innocent people will suffer. WE will suffer. But God has BIG PLANS for those who believe. Pain is part of living in this fallen world. In order to stay above the waves, we must keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Protector of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).
Are you searching for significance and direction? Focus and perspective are pivotal in facing the crashing waves of life. As soon as we look at what others are accomplishing, or at others' opinions of us, or at the pain and injustice that others are leaving in their wake, we start to sink. Look to Jesus for your next steps. Usually we can't see beyond the step in front of us. But when we look to the One who sees the big picture, we experience clarity, confidence and guidance in the midst of chaos and confusion.
This doesn't mean we won't question or feel angry about injustice. We simply have a focal point... a place that steadies us...solid ground when everything around us is sinking. Through these moments of doubt and questioning, Jesus holds us and reminds us, "I've got you. I'm ALWAYS here. Nothing is out of My sight, care and control. This is strengthening you...preparing you for the big plans I have for your life. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). I know you don't see the whole picture, my child. And that can be confusing. But that is why you must keep your eyes on Me and lean into Me as you grow your trust and faith in MY Word, MY promises, and MY plans for you.
This mindset and response to trials is what sets us apart. It makes us different. People are looking for HOPE. People are longing for STABILITY. People are searching for JOY that goes deeper than our circumstances. We bring His light into this dark world (Matthew 5:14-15).
God is preparing you for BIG THINGS, my friend. KEEP YOUR EYES ON HIM. He wants to shine through you to reach the world. Let's partner with Him to expand His reach and share His love.