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  • Writer's pictureDanica Spence

The Power of Change: Navigating Life Transitions

Have you ever sensed that there is a change coming? That gnawing feeling that says, “I can’t explain it, but I’m feeling unsettled … there is something stirring inside me. Get ready for a transition!” Have you felt that God is gently nudging you in a different direction…or maybe it’s more of a solid PUSH towards something different? 

The thought of change used to TERRIFY me! It was scary because it meant facing the unknown and stepping in a direction that was uncomfortable or unfamiliar. 

Change can be overwhelming. When we see something that needs to be modified or shifted, we can think we need to make a 180 degree pivot immediately. Our heart and minds start racing, our hands get sweaty, our faces becomes flushed and adrenaline starts flowing! Our body begins reacting like we’re in danger. 

Have you ever recognized how your thoughts trigger physical responses? The way we navigate our body’s reaction will determine our actions. If your mind starts following the racing heart and sweaty palms, you will start trying to figure out how to FLEE from the situation that is causing these feelings. The natural response is to want to return to our norm…back to what we know and can control. 

How do YOU respond to change? It probably depends on how big that transition seems to you. Do you know that most changes happen incrementally? Small shifts add up to BIG growth! One day at a time…one moment at a time. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, most personal, business and relationship shifts occur one step at a time. Our bodies may say “This feels dangerous!” We have to recognize that these vocational changes, relational changes, life season changes ARE different, and they certainly can feel uncomfortable.  But they are not dangerous. When we become aware of how our bodies and minds naturally respond to new situations, we can adjust our responses to the change based on what we TELL ourselves, not upon how our body feels or reacts. This awareness is the first step towards GROWTH towards that new and exciting season that lies ahead!

Sometimes we need support as we take those first steps toward self awareness and BIG CHANGE. I'd love to help you discover the confidence and clarity it takes to move forward. Click the link below to receive "5 Questions to Ask When Desiring Clarity," as well as other tips and insights that help strengthen your confidence...

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I appreciate YOU!

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