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  • Writer's pictureDanica Spence

Walking Towards Growth: Marathon or Sprint?

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

When you live with a young child, it's easy to overlook the physical growth that is happening at an exponential rate. Their little legs stretch out, their coordination and balance improves, speech becomes more clear and their vocabulary increases. It isn't until we look at pictures and videos that we see how much they've changed.

Our growth and development as adults is very similar. As we begin to ask God for guidance, leaning on Him for supernatural strength while stepping out of our comfort zones, a subtle shift occurs. When an airplane changes its course, the change of location is small and insignificant at first. As it continues to move forward, the change in course becomes more visible and significant, and obviously, the destination completely changes.

There are times in our lives when we are called to drastically change our course...moving from one home to another, vocational shifts, marriage, and adding to our families are a few examples. And then there are times we make subtle changes. We decide to get up a little earlier everyday; we begin going to the gym a couple times a week after work; we reach out to our coworkers and neighbors instead of staying isolated. In time, these subtle changes produce significant growth.

As we enter a new season, there is a natural curiosity about things in our lives we'd like to adjust, changes we'd like to make. My prayer for our new seasons (and beyond) is for renewed health and wholeness in every area of our lives, as well as the ability to guide others towards transformation and wholeness.

Three years ago, February 2020, I felt an inner pull to pray for healing. My father-in-law was in desperate place physically, and there was little hope of improvement. As the family gathered in the hospital, my heart was deeply drawn to pray for healing. I knew it was about relational and emotional restoration. In the days and months that followed, I saw the family come together in a supernatural way. But the rebuilding and calling I felt towards this healing didn't stop there.

In a renovation project, the worn out walls and fixtures have to be removed and completely replaced. It felt as if the whole world began experiencing this "renovation" process in the months that followed our family's loss. As the world entered a season of isolation and everyone was afraid for their health and the health of their loved ones, we experienced a breakdown in every area of "normal life." Anxiety, depression, and loneliness are just a few of the repercussions of the isolation and fear that was embedded into our communities.

I've been watching the world search for something real and stable. What an amazing opportunity to seek deeper answers to meaningful questions that EVERYONE was asking! It became obvious that things people thought they could trust and depend on to bring consistency, stability and safety were not dependable. This led to a deep level of anxiety and hopelessness that has left our communities seeking answers and purpose.

In 2023, I am launching a life and health coaching platform for people seeking personal growth. No one enters their calling with all the answers or sees their life purpose with clarity before stepping towards it. There are always uncertainties, insecurities and new things to learn. Genesis 32 tells the story of Jacob wrestling with God. In verse 26, Jacob informs the heavenly being "I will not let you go unless you bless me." This story of Jacob's transformation and perseverance has been a source of insight in my journey. Everyone brings different strengths, weaknesses, and experiences to their world. The key to overcoming our weaknesses and insecurities is prayer and determination...continuing to wrestle in the midst of challenge, discouragement and even despair. I want to bring tools that will help you in your journey towards health and wholeness. Feel free to contact me for more information, and thank you for joining me on this adventure!

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